اخر الاخبار | اليمن.. Government directives to intensify efforts to overcome the repercussions of the low atmospheric pressure in the eastern governorates

اخبار عربية - - بواسطة : (يمن مونيتور) -

ايجي ناو : مصر الان - أخبار محلية : دGovernment directives to intensify efforts to overcome the repercussions of the low atmospheric pressure in the eastern governorates، التالي وكان بدايه ما تم نشره هي Yemen Monitor News Room Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak stressed the importance of intensifying efforts .، والان تابعومعنا التفاصيل والمعلومات الواردة

Yemen Monitor/News Room

Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak stressed the importance of intensifying efforts to overcome the potential repercussions of the low atmospheric pressure in the eastern provinces of the country.

The official Saba news agency said that bin Mubarak monitored the path of the expected low atmospheric pressure heading towards the eastern provinces within the coming hours, highlighting areas such as Al-Mahra and the districts of Al-Wadi and Al-Sahra in Hadramout province, and the readiness of local authorities and emergency rooms to deal with potential repercussions of the low atmospheric pressure.

According to the agency, the Prime Minister on a phone call held discussions with the Governor of Al-Mahra, Mohammed Ali Yasser, and the Deputy Governor of Hadramout for Al- Wadi and Al-Sahra affairs, Amer al-Amri, and listened to explanations about the developments of the low atmospheric pressure and the expectations based on meteorological reports, and the existing preparations to deal with all possibilities and measures taken, including the suspension of classes in Al-Mahra, preventing fishermen from going out to sea, and forming emergency  sub-committees in the districts of Al-Wadi and Al-Sahra.

He emphasized the importance of intensifying efforts to overcome the potential repercussions of the low atmospheric pressure and focusing primarily on protecting citizens, warning them to stay away from valleys and flood channels, and to exercise extreme caution.

He also noted the preemptive measures taken and the necessity of community support for these

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وفي نهاية المقال نود ان نشير الى ان هذه هي تفاصيل Government directives to intensify efforts to overcome the repercussions of the low atmospheric pressure in the eastern governorates وتم نقلها من يمن مونيتور نرجوا بأن نكون قد وفقنا بإعطائك التفاصيل والمعلومات الكامله .

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